Equipping the Church For Ministry: First Presbyterian Church, Augusta, GA
Equipping lay-leaders for wise, Christ-centered discipleship and care. This event is limited to leaders within First Presbyterian Church of Augusta, GA.
Equipping lay-leaders for wise, Christ-centered discipleship and care. This event is limited to leaders within First Presbyterian Church of Augusta, GA.
If you would like practical guidance on how to improve your marriage, this seminar will be helpful for you. In this seminar, you will learn what the driving agenda is for marriage as well as discover new tools for improving your communication, managing conflict, practicing forgiveness and increasing your emotional connection and intimacy. In each session, Tim will ground the concepts in the Gospel as well as provide practical relational tools that will enable you to put them into practice right away.
If you would like practical guidance on how to improve your marriage, this seminar will be helpful for you. In this seminar, you will learn what the driving agenda is for marriage as well as discover new tools for improving your communication, managing conflict, practicing forgiveness and increasing your emotional connection and intimacy. In each session, Tim will ground the concepts in the Gospel as well as provide practical relational tools that will enable you to put them into practice right away.
Trinity Presbyterian Church: Fort Worth, TX www.trinitypresfw.org
If you would like practical guidance on how to improve your marriage, this seminar will be helpful for you. In this seminar, you will learn what the driving agenda is for marriage as well as discover new tools for improving your communication, managing conflict, practicing forgiveness and increasing your emotional connection and intimacy. In each session, Tim will ground the concepts in the Gospel as well as provide practical relational tools that will enable you to put them into practice right away.
Reformation Presbyterian Church: Hendersonville, NC
If you would like practical guidance on how to improve your marriage, this seminar will be helpful for you. In this seminar, you will learn what the driving agenda is for marriage as well as discover new tools for improving your communication, managing conflict, practicing forgiveness and increasing your emotional connection and intimacy. In each session, Tim will ground the concepts in the Gospel as well as provide practical relational tools that will enable you to put them into practice right away.
Engleside Baptist Church
8428 Highland Lane, Alexandria, VA 22309 USA
Contact the church for more information: (703) 780-5410
By Invitation Only
Cultivating Your Marriage Through Heart Change and New Habits
The retreat will be a time of personal enrichment for marriages as well as a time to develop new insights and skills for helping other couples in your church.
Invitation Only
Unstuck: A Nine-Step Journey To Change That Lasts
Invitation Only: To be Held at Ridgecrest Conference Center in North Carolina
Living Without Worry: Matthew 6:25-34
Two Services: 9 and 11 am.
Atlanta Westside Presbyterian Church: https://www.atlantawestside.org/
Preaching: Living Without Worry-Matthew 6:25-34.
9 am and 10:30 am services.
Training Workshop: Living Without Worry 2-4 pm. Open Invitation to the Public.
This training workshop will be based upon Tim’s newly revised book, Living Without Worry: How to Replace Anxiety with Peace. All of Tim’s books will be available for purchase onsite.
Shawdowbrook Church, Suwanee, GA: https://shadowbrookchurch.org/
Cultivating Your Relationships
Learn what the purpose of relationship is, enhance your ability to grow in good communication, conflict and practicing forgiveness. These are the pillars that make all relationships flourish. Teaching along with practical skills will be discussed throughout the weekend.
Join us as Tim teaches us a gospel-laden, practical way to grow in grace in any area of your life.
Cultivating Your Marriage Through Heart Change and New Habits
The retreat will be a time of personal enrichment for marriages as well as a time to develop new insights and skills for helping other married couples.
Trinity Presbyterian Church: Rye, NY: By Invitation Only
Trinity Presbyterian Church: Rye, NY: By Invitation Only
By Invitation Only. Cultivating Your Marriage Through Heart Change and New Habits
Trinity Presbyterian Church: Rye, NY: By Invitation Only
Trinity Presbyterian Church: Rye, NY: By Invitation Only
Trinity Presbyterian Church: Rye, NY: By Invitation Only
Trinity Presbyterian Church: Rye, NY: By Invitation Only
Grace Fellowship Church: Toronto, Canada
Every other week: September 22: 7:30-9; October 6: 7:30-9; October 20: 7:30-9; November 3: 7:30-9; November 17: 7:30-9; December 1: 7:30-9; December 15: 7:30-9
By invitation only. Please contact Tim Lane for any information and if you would like to consider hosting a webinar in your church. connect@timlane.org
Grace Fellowship Church: Toronto, Canada
Every other week: September 22: 7:30-9; October 6: 7:30-9; October 20: 7:30-9; November 3: 7:30-9; November 17: 7:30-9; December 1: 7:30-9; December 15: 7:30-9
By invitation only. Please contact Tim Lane for any information and if you would like to consider hosting a webinar in your church. connect@timlane.org
Grace Fellowship Church: Toronto, Canada
Every other week: September 22: 7:30-9; October 6: 7:30-9; October 20: 7:30-9; November 3: 7:30-9; November 17: 7:30-9; December 1: 7:30-9; December 15: 7:30-9
By invitation only. Please contact Tim Lane for any information and if you would like to consider hosting a webinar in your church. connect@timlane.org
Grace Fellowship Church: Toronto, Canada
Every other week: September 22: 7:30-9; October 6: 7:30-9; October 20: 7:30-9; November 3: 7:30-9; November 17: 7:30-9; December 1: 7:30-9; December 15: 7:30-9
By invitation only. Please contact Tim Lane for any information and if you would like to consider hosting a webinar in your church. connect@timlane.org
Trinity Presbyterian Church, Montgomery, Alabama
Limited to Leaders of Trinity. If you have any questions about this event, email Dr. Tim Lane at connect@timlane.org.
Grace Fellowship Church: Toronto, Canada
Every other week: September 22: 7:30-9; October 6: 7:30-9; October 20: 7:30-9; November 3: 7:30-9; November 17: 7:30-9; December 1: 7:30-9; December 15: 7:30-9
By invitation only. Please contact Tim Lane for any information and if you would like to consider hosting a webinar in your church. connect@timlane.org
Trinity Presbyterian Church, Montgomery, Alabama
Limited to Leaders of Trinity. If you have any questions about this event, email Dr. Tim Lane at connect@timlane.org.
Grace Fellowship Church: Toronto, Canada
Every other week: September 22: 7:30-9; October 6: 7:30-9; October 20: 7:30-9; November 3: 7:30-9; November 17: 7:30-9; December 1: 7:30-9; December 15: 7:30-9
By invitation only. Please contact Tim Lane for any information and if you would like to consider hosting a webinar in your church. connect@timlane.org
Engleside Baptist Church: 8428 Highland Lane, Alexandria, VA 22309
Grace Fellowship Church: Toronto, Canada
Every other week: September 22: 7:30-9; October 6: 7:30-9; October 20: 7:30-9; November 3: 7:30-9; November 17: 7:30-9; December 1: 7:30-9; December 15: 7:30-9
By invitation only. Please contact Tim Lane for any information and if you would like to consider hosting a webinar in your church. connect@timlane.org