As a Pastor or Leader...
- Do you find yourself and your church struggling to meet the needs of others?
- Does the weight of needs outweigh your church’s capacity to offer adequate help?
- Do you feel ineffective to equip others in your church?
- Do you find yourself running from one pastoral fire to the next?
If so, you are probably a very normal pastor or leader. You need help, too. Here is a brief overview of how we will provide the help you need:
- Begin by spending time getting to know the church staff and leadership, listening to their stories and current efforts to provide care.
- Assess the church’s current ability to care for the needs of individuals and families.
- Cast vision for the church to be a ministering community, not a community that hires ministers.
- In tandem with the leaders, help structure an effective way to practically care for and disciple people.
- Train leaders how to utilize practical resources and tools to equip the body of Christ to care for one another.
- Inculcate a culture of grace and growth throughout the entire process.
Our approach is very relational and poised to appreciate the unique DNA of every church. Therefore, we take our time and seek to listen and learn a great deal throughout the process. We understand that every church has strengths and weaknesses. Our goal is to celebrate those strengths and seek to wisely address the weaknesses with humility and hard work. By God's grace, we hope to enable your local church to better care for the people God has called you to serve.